Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

The Future of Maintenance – Part 17 – Know your digital aptitude

Let’s examine the responses of different mindsets in various situations based on their digital aptitude. In reality we are a mix of the four groups we displayed; starting from digital savvies to paper-based pragmatics. Each set of aptitudes will tell you how far you are digitally ready.

Maintenance Management

The Future of Maintenance – Part 16 – Understanding digital skills

We are used to say learning skills. So, why digital skills need understanding not only learning? Is there a difference between learning and understanding? Are these differences between learning and understanding related only to digital skills? let’s delve deeper to gain more knowledge about the subject.

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

The Future of Maintenance – Part 11 – The AI era needs a digital skillset

The industry shapes how we do maintenance. The industry is heading towards an automated digital era. This means that maintenance needs to be ready with a new mindset and a digital skillset

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

7 Steps to Excel a New Skill

The 7 steps demonstrated here will take you from step zero or even the midway in your current fluency of this new skill to reach your desires

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

5 keys to open the doors to your skills

Those five (5) keys described here are practical steps to explore your real skills that might had been expelled out of your fast running hamster wheel of life

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

The small skills that count

We can’t link our innate projects skills to where they fit technically if we overlooked the professional terminologies of the skills we excel

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

What is in your tool box?

The simple conscious awareness of tools available at our reach and the know how to use them opens the door for infinite possibilities, know your tools here

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

Who withholds the knowledge ? part1

Come to know the the different types of knowledge and how to handle the transfer of each one. And why some of your team withhold the knowledge?

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