Feeling esteem is essential for the professional growth. After the essential needs of food, rest, safety, security and social acceptance are fulfilled, the next logical step is to feel appreciated for what you do. That’s a fundamental part of the manager’s role; to tell his team member you’ve done a great job. The more important role for the manager is to set the scale according to which he will sense the performance of his team members. One further step that falls in the manager role is to convey the good or exceptional performance of his team members to the higher level of management.
What is important is to find a clear justification, again clear, for why you appreciate or neglect the actions of your team. Moreover, why you reject, disapprove or maybe feel that someone of your team is needless? That’s what we are going to chat about.
Before we start, the below trainings in Arabic and English provide a great foundation for the maintenance program. Whether you are in the maintenance management field for some time, you are new to it or you are intending to join it, grasp the limited Jan2021 opportunity for gifts. Those gifts will make your maintenance management career in 2021 as good as you intend. Join us using the below links ↓. One for the English training and one for the Arabic one. You can enjoy the Udemy platform and its Q&A session for these courses to create your own custom experience.
Initial crucial step before before labelling good or incompetent!!
Simply write down the following:
- Who you are judging?
- A member of your team, the team as a whole, a situation an intimidation action from other team, and,
- What are you judging him about?
- A technical mistake, a misbehave, a personal trait, a result not achieved, indiscipline, an opposing point of view
- Why are you judging?
- Something wrong happened, Something good happened, It is evaluation season, need to blame someone
- Are you judging his performance as satisfactory or unsatisfactory?
- Is it a go-no go evaluation, is it a percentage, is it a relative evaluation i.e. some model is 100% performing and other is 0% performing and you evaluate others relative to them?
- What are you judging him against?
- Technical Performance
- Decision making
- Response
- Communication
- Is he qualified for what you are judging him against?
- How do you know?
- Are there guidelines for the activity, response or communication? His performance is better or less than the guidelines?
- Did you ever gave him a notice to improve before that?
The border line between the needed skills and the employee as a human
The problem is both ways; from the employees towards their jobs and from the company towards its employees. The core problem can be treated only at a high level of consciousness. The core cure stems from recognizing that the value of the individual is not the value of what he is giving. He is valuable as he is. There is an illusion between the value of the individual and what is required from him as a job. There should be a clear function description of the job he is applying for. Moreover he should know what is expected from him. In other words, how he will be evaluated.
He is valuable as a human but, he needs to fulfill the requirements of the job he is doing now. If he fails to fulfill those requirements then he is not qualified for the job. This doesn’t affect his value as a human. But it is a problem either from the wrong selection of the employment team or from the ambiguous needs of the job.
The right skills will help to apply the knowledge gained correctly. Otherwise, without skills, he might be never able to use the information and knowledge that he had collected.
Objective Evaluation
Keep in mind that the right skills set for each job will harmonize your team. Not necessarily that everyone is capable of doing the same things. But he is having the right skills to do what is individually required from him.

This adds clarity to the company by understanding what skills they need to hire. And to the employee to know what skills he need to gain. When the organization is clear about the skills it needs, it can complete the gaps in its team and evaluate them objectively. This creates the trust between the team members and the workplace. Why? There no ambiguity of how each one of the team will be evaluated.
Clarity between knowledge and skills
We can separate knowledge into theoretical knowledge, and skills. In the maintenance field both skills and informative knowledge are crucial. You can make the theoretical knowledge or the knowledge based on information available through fixed steps. We explained those steps in a previous post -> Seamless Knowledge transfer. While the skills are acquired through hands on practicing. When assessing your team, make sure they are assessed based on the skill set they need and that you had supported them to acquire. Or, may be you had hired them because they demonstrated that they had this skill. Were you able to test this skill effectively? because that is the most difficult part of technical assessment. In short, be balanced and fair in distributing esteem to your team.
In Conclusion,
When your team feels esteem then they are set to grow and succeed. Do not fall in the trap of appreciating every action regardless of its value. Also avoid the opposite extreme which is not appreciating at all which decays the motivation in your team members. So draft a criteria for evaluation using the key questions we had provided, and esteem the extra efforts. Those performing below average needs your support and close follow up. So Stay safe, join our courses on Udemy that tells you which information you need and why? and Enjoy your coffee however you like it, it is a bless.
If you feel you need help with any of these elements,
Either join the Arabic Course for secrets of building a Maintenance Program
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