Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

Does the Generative AI have its own mindset? – X

Understanding the mindset of your collaborators is crucial for effective communication, collaboration, negotiation, and conflict resolution. Now when your collaborator is a Generative AI agent, Do these guides also hold true bout the AI Mindset? Let’s see.

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

The 8 Steps to create an Agile Maintenance – Part 9

Finally we explain how and why we need to reach an Agile Maintenance Process and an Agile Maintenance Team which has an Agile Mentality through the 8 steps needed to reach there.

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

Self-Reform is a key to Agility – Part 8

Self-Reform leads to improved effectiveness in our maintenance tasks including improved communication, responsiveness & flexibility and better response to sudden requests while maintaining excellence in every part of the maintenance task. This leads to an Agile Maintenance Process and Team.

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

Simplicity, LEAN, RCM all lead to Agile Maintenance – Part 6

Simplicity of any process leads to agility of this same process. Eliminating or rejecting tasks that are not adding value to the maintenance process would free the precious time and effort of the maintenance team. Hence increasing its simplicity score. How?

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

The trust that builds an Agile Maintenance Team – Part 5-2

A trust-based workplace can solve or at least improve the workplace conditions. However to reach this condition we need to provide the team with what it needs and encourage face-to face respectful communications. This way we can reach to a maintenance team that can make an Agile Maintenance process a reality.

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

A Motivated Team makes Agile Maintenance a Reality – Part 5-1

To create and sustain an Agile maintenance we need to build the maintenance process around motivated maintenance teams and individuals. Why? and How? That’s what we had deeply discussed in this article

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

Frequent communication with stakeholders leads to Agility – Part 4

For maintenance process to be Agile from the perspective of its stakeholders we need to understand stakeholders needs

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

Can maintenance embrace change to be Agile? Part 3

Traditionally maintenance seemed rigid. However, it is too dynamic. How is that? When you look carefully to maintenance tactics you can see that it embraces change easily. More insights in this article…

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

Can Maintenance be Agile?-Part2

Maintenance tasks easily fits in the Agile first principle by replacing software with maintenance. So now it would be: Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable Maintenance. Which now perfectly describes the world class maintenance.

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