Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

Unboxing 2024 for our highest good

The transition from 2023 to 2024 offers an invaluable opportunity for us on the personal and organizational levels. That’s not only to unbox new opportunities and foster innovative thinking but also to conduct a comprehensive roundup of lessons learned.

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

The power of a new startup

Startup moments in our lives come as an energy boost. But, mastering new reality creation from these new beginnings needs a different mind set.

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

Milestones to reflect back on Maintenance

Life and work both include natural and man-made milestones. A new year is one of those milestones in life and work. When you speak about maintenance performance you can refer to last maintenance day, last long shutdown or last failure. However, maintenance performance in the last year sums up all those individual marks. Although the […]

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