Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

Episode 2, A cheerful workplace, the importance of the light seeds

Do you want to take a break from this discomfort or to try something different? Follow up with us to plant your first seeds of light…

The darkness is the absence of the light. The fear is the absence of love.

If you think that your work is stressful or risky or carrying any other negative adjective, why do you continue doing it in the same way ? Or, why do you continue doing it at all?

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If this discomfort turned to be your comfort zone then those adjectives are still there because hey bring you benefits. Or, you see that there is no other possible job available. Take care, that not seeing options in life is usually related to a closed-off mentality. So, whether it brings you benefits or you can’t see an escape, anyhow you carry the responsıbılıty of a good chunk of the blame and the claims that lay its toll on your job

Do you want to take an action to stop this pattern, to take a break from this discomfort or to try something different? Follow up with us to plant your first seeds of light…

Do you know how a better workplace looks like?

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If you don’t know, then you have no destination for your trip and you will keep moving in circles. On the other hand, if you believe that the absence of what you hate at work is the your target in the next job. I would like to be clear with you, that’s the wrong track. Darkness is the absence of light. However light is not the absence of darkness. You need to bring some light to the scene to narrow the darkness.

The good thing is that there is no permanent darkness or light but they are cyclic. However you need to ensure that you had switched on the lights or opened the shutters so some light can come in. In other words to have light you need to allow it to exist in the first place. Then, to take an action to switch on the lights or even bring a candle.

If you don’t intend to have some light in the place, the darkness dominates. It seems like the darkness exists before the light, So, when you don’t make the effort of adding some light to the daily ingredients, the darkness will continue forever.

The mighty power of the human kind

AR-building a maintenance program training

The mighty power of us can be seen clearly in our ability to bring darkness to shadow the light. When in a meeting you start criticism, sarcasm or blaming and claiming, you are adding darkness to the meeting. Those are the black light bulbs of fear, anger, and other negative emotions that pop up due to attacking others.

On the other hand, we have the same power to switch ON the light in our lives and show others that there are other options in life. When we intend, visualize and work to claim these brighter options, we make an architype for others to see the possibility to change their routes of life.

Why you should start with your own light?

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What’s really important is that you can’t intend for someone else to be something different. Suppose that you are one of the hostages of a dark meeting. You can’t intend to change the meeting host or the attitude of the other hostages. Intend only for yourself to have a different meeting. As we said above, you need to be clear about the alternative meeting you want to attend. Is it a meeting where no one sees you? Or, is it a meeting where everyone respects your opinion?

Some light seeds for the meetings

Take care when you start shaping your route, you might mess it up, Suppose you intended to never attend this meeting after that, you might get fired. Or, you intend that this meeting would never be held, then company might be closed off by then. So, please intend the best possible way for what you want to be in the future.

Second thing, usually we are attracted to the light. When your light seed sprouts, others will see it clear but anyhow they have their own will to follow this architype or to retract and withhold their old architypes. Don’t judge them negatively or get frustrated. You have your own freedom to chose as they do.

Thirdly, don’t hold on to actions that opposes your intentions. If you intend to attend a meeting that is free from needless stubborn over obvious topics, are you showing unreasonable resistance over certain subjects due to your own secret undeclared agenda? You can’t intend some thing to come your way and you are on a different route.

Lastly, if one of your actions or of your team received some claims. Step one, you are not your actions or your team members. Second step, is this claim true or partially true? Third step, what made you angry? the tone or words of the claim or its injustice? Fourth step, Do not defend with blindness or without knowing the true circumstances. Fifth step, Do not fire back. Keep your tone calm, build your case and reply technically and with events. Those steps will seal the case for you.

Planting the seeds of light is not a one time mission

Not all the seeds you plant sprout. They need care, shielding and they might be affected by other environmental conditions. The environmental conditions here includes your own mental and emotional status. They also include the local business environment, the global one and the collective colleagues emotions. All seeds do not sprout in the same type of land and in the same environmental season. Some seeds stay dormant for months and under extreme conditions till they pop up at the right time. When starting the journey of planting your seeds of light, you will get some quick results, some slow ones and no results at all from some seeds.

This will remain a stroke of luck for you if couldn’t relate what’s happening to what you intended, planned or took an action for. You may continue to plant your seeds and be satisfied with the results whether it was fulfilling or not. Or, you may track your intentions and actions and relate the results to them.

This calls awareness to the equation. When you are aware of the ingredients you used for this meal or situation, you can instantiate similar situations. Being aware of your everyday situations without being biased to your own point of view as if it is the only right way will give you great insights of your own life. You would catch some cheerful feelings, moments, occasions and results that were always there but were never in your focus point. The focus point was always what is missing or what went wrong. You were anticipating more of the negative situations and missing the positive ones. Focusing on what went right or in your best favor, allows you to see the ingredients that were used in this moment and then you can use more of them.

In Conclusion,

If you can’t reflect on the past, you still have a chance in every new moment you live to plant some seeds of light and watch them growing. When you spend your time aware of what’s going on in your life and the complete picture that took you in this direction, you will be able to build on the positive scenarios and avoid the negative ones. You can start by the steps we had detailed for creating a better meeting environment for you. Just take mindful steps. This will allow you to understand what works best for you and what doesn’t work at all in you environment.

The darkness is the absence of the light. The fear is the absence of love.

If you think that your work is stressful or risky or carrying any other negative adjective, why do you continue doing it in the same way ? Or, why do you continue doing it at all?

If this discomfort turned to be your comfort zone then those adjectives are still there because hey bring you benefits. Or, you see that there is no other possible job available. Take care, that not seeing options in life is usually related to a closed-off mentality. So, whether it brings you benefits or you can’t see an escape, anyhow you carry the responsıbılıty of a good chunk of the blame and the claims that lay its toll on your job

Do you want to take an action to stop this pattern, to take a break of this discomfort or to try something different? Follow up with us to plant your first seeds of light…

Do you know how a better workplace looks like?

If you don’t know, then you have no destination for your trip and you will keep moving in circles. On the other hand, if you believe that the absence of what you hate at work is the your target in the next job. I would like to be clear with you, that’s the wrong track. Darkness is the absence of light. However light is not the absence of darkness. You need to bring some light to the scene to narrow the darkness.

The good thing is that there is no permanent darkness or light but they are cyclic. However you need to ensure that you had switched on the lights or opened the shutters so some light can come in. In other words to have light you need to allow it to exist in the first place. Then, to take an action to switch on the lights or even bring a candle.

If you don’t intend to have some light in the place, the darkness dominates. It seems like the darkness exists before the light, So, when you don’t make the effort of adding some light to the daily ingredients, the darkness will continue forever.

The mighty power of the human kind

The mighty power of us can be seen clearly in our ability to bring darkness to shadow the light. When in a meeting you start criticism, sarcasm or blaming and claiming, you are adding darkness to the meeting. Those are the black light bulbs of fear, anger, and other negative emotions that pop up due to attacking others.

On the other hand, we have the same power to switch ON the light in our lives and show others that there are other options in life. When we intend, visualize and work to claim these brighter options, we make an architype for others to see the possibility to change their routes of life.

Why you should start with your own light?

What’s really important is that you can’t intend for someone else to be something different. Suppose that you are one of the hostages of a dark meeting. You can’t intend to change the meeting host or the attitude of the other hostages. Intend only for yourself to have a different meeting. As we said above, you need to be clear about the alternative meeting you want to attend. Is it a meeting where no one sees you? Or, is it a meeting where everyone respects your opinion?

Some light seeds for the meetings

Take care when you start shaping your route, you might mess it up, Suppose you intended to never attend this meeting after that, you might get fired. Or, you intend that this meeting would never be held, then company might be closed off by then. So, please intend the best possible way for what you want to be in the future.

Second thing, usually we are attracted to the light. When your light seed sprouts, others will see it clear but anyhow they have their own will to follow this architype or to retract and withhold their old architypes. Don’t judge them negatively or get frustrated. You have your own freedom to chose as they do.

Thirdly, don’t hold on to actions that opposes your intentions. If you intend to attend a meeting that is free from needless stubborn over obvious topics, are you showing unreasonable resistance over certain subjects due to your own secret undeclared agenda? You can’t intend some thing to come your way and you are on a different route.

Lastly, if one of your actions or of your team received some claims. Step one, you are not your actions or your team members. Second step, is this claim true or partially true? Third step, what made you angry? the tone or words of the claim or its injustice? Fourth step, Do not defend with blindness or without knowing the true circumstances. Fifth step, Do not fire back. Keep your tone calm, build your case and reply technically and with events. Those steps will seal the case for you.

Planting the seeds of light is not a one time mission

Not all the seeds you plant sprout. They need care, shielding and they might be affected by other environmental conditions. The environmental conditions here includes your own mental and emotional status. They also include the local business environment, the global one and the collective colleagues emotions. All seeds do not sprout in the same type of land and in the same environmental season. Some seeds stay dormant for months and under extreme conditions till they pop up at the right time. When starting the journey of planting your seeds of light, you will get some quick results, some slow ones and no results at all from some seeds.

This will remain a stroke of luck for you if couldn’t relate what’s happening to what you intended, planned or took an action for. You may continue to plant your seeds and be satisfied with the results whether it was fulfilling or not. Or, you may track your intentions and actions and relate the results to them.

This calls awareness to the equation. When you are aware of the ingredients you used for this meal or situation, you can instantiate similar situations. Being aware of your everyday situations without being biased to your own point of view as if it is the only right way will give you great insights of your own life. You would catch some cheerful feelings, moments, occasions and results that were always there but were never in your focus point. The focus point was always what is missing or what went wrong. You were anticipating more of the negative situations and missing the positive ones. Focusing on what went right or in your best favor, allows you to see the ingredients that were used in this moment and then you can use more of them.

In Conclusion,

If you can’t reflect on the past, you still have a chance in every new moment you live to plant some seeds of light and watch them growing. When you spend your time aware of what’s going on in your life and the complete picture that took you in this direction, you will be able to build on the positive scenarios and avoid the negative ones. You can start by the steps we had detailed for creating a better meeting environment for you. Just take mindful steps. This will allow you to understand what works best for you and what doesn’t work at all in you environment.

If you feel you need help with any of these ideas we discussed, drop us a line for initial investigation in the form by Clicking here or request Management Consultancy or Coaching Services From our Store

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By Rezika

I intend to create a better-managed value adding working environment.
Projects and Maintenance Manager with broad experience in industrial plants. Managed Projects and applied different maintenance strategies and improvements tasks in different industrial plants: steel, cement, and food industries.

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