Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

The future of Maintenance -Part1 – Where are we now?

These are propping questions that will sprout many possibilities and hidden gems or problems that we would never known about if we didn’t have a hope followed by an intention to make this target come true in the nearby future

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

Intentions also helps maintenance achievements

Heart intentions are powerful spiritual tools that boost the manifestation of your desires. There is no difference between life desires and work desires; intentions manifest both of them if you follow your correct mix. Find a guideline and the tools to master the usage of heart intentions

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

Episode 2, A cheerful workplace, the importance of the light seeds

Do you want to take a break from this discomfort or to try something different? Follow up with us to plant your first seeds of light…

Maintenance Foundations Maintenance Management

Intend to make use of the data. MS-APR-3

Intend to convert the collected information into useful data by analyzing it and deriving indicators as Rework% and Preventive Maintenance %.

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